We offer a 7-day refund policy. If you're unsatisfied with our API service within the first 7 days, you can request a full refund, no questions asked.
To test our API, sign up for a 7-day trial at Start My 7-Day Free Trial. Follow the Integration Steps provided there to get started.
Our Daily Panchang, Kundli, and Kundli Matching APIs support both English & Hindi languages. All other APIs only support the English language at the moment. For any custom requests, please contact us via email (admin@divineapi.com) or through our website’s chat section.
Our predictions are crafted by a panel of expert Tarot Readers, Astrologers, and Numerologists, ensuring accurate and insightful forecasts.
Upon cancellation, your subscription remains active until the end of the current 30-day billing cycle. You can continue to use the APIs for any remaining days within that period.
Currently, we don’t offer direct upgrade or downgrade options. However, you can choose to purchase APIs either individually or collectively based on your needs.
Payments are recurring, and depending upon the chosen option (monthly, half-yearly or annually), they get renewed every billing cycle.
Yes, you can renew your plan at any time. The new subscription period will be added to any remaining days on your current plan.
We offer a wide range of payment options to cater to our diverse user base globally. This includes Credit and Debit Cards, Digital Wallets, Bank Transfers, and Localised Payment Methods like Alipay, Bancontact, and others, depending on the user's location.
We have the option to create a Customized Plan, which will give you a more lucrative pricing option. You can explore the same at Pricing Page. To discuss further, you can even email us. We’ll work with you to create a plan that fits your needs.
We prioritise user privacy and data security. Our platform uses advanced encryption and follows best practices to protect user data and API interactions.
Yes, we offer technical support for API integration. You can contact our support team via email (admin@divineapi.com) or through our website’s chat section.
We regularly update our API to enhance functionality and security. All updates are communicated in advance, and our team provides the necessary support for a smooth transition.