Natal API Features
Empower your cosmic exploration with our Natal API. Explore an array of dynamic features for profound astrological insights:
Planetary Positions
Explore planetary influences with Natal API's accurate Planetary Positions feature for comprehensive astrological insights.
House Cusps
Natal API's House Cusps reveal crucial angles affecting your life journey, enhancing your astrological understanding.
Aspect Table
Access valuable Aspect Table insights via Natal API, deciphering celestial interactions and their impact on your life.
Natal Wheel Chart
Experience your life's dynamic map through Natal API's Natal Wheel Chart, visualizing your birth chart's unique pattern.
Moon Phases
Illuminate your emotional landscape with Natal API's Moon Phases, mapping the lunar cycle's influence on your personal growth.
General House & Sign Reports
Navigate through your life's sectors with Natal API's General House Reports, decoding the significance of each house.
Transit API
Stay attuned to cosmic rhythms with Natal API's Transit API, offering real-time planetary movement insights.
Synastry Reports
Explore relational dynamics through Natal API's Synastry Reports, assessing astrological compatibility and connections between charts.
Why choose Divine API?
Developer Friendly. Astrologically Accurate. Business Oriented.
Deliver astrological precision to your audience with our user-friendly, integrated API.
All in One Solution
Comprehensive, integrated tools for every astrology and API need.
Seamless Integration
No coding required. No technical knowledge required. Our APIs are easy to use.
100% White Labeled
Seamlessly integrate our services, maintaining your brand's unique identity.
Crafted With Precision & Passion
Our solutions stem from the wisdom of seasoned astrologers, ensuring accuracy and expertise.
Hassle-Free 7-Day Returns
No coding required. No technical knowledge required. Our APIs are easy to use.
360-Degree Support
Developer, astrologer, and business-friendly support for your success.
What's include
- Planetary locations: detailed astrological analysis
- House cusps: life's structural insights
- Aspect table: planetary relationships detailed
- Natal wheel: visual astrological overview
- General Sign & House Reports
- Moon phases: personal growth reflection
- Ascendant report: self-awareness, identity highlight
- Synastry: relationship dynamics uncovered
- Transits: upcoming influences navigated
- Natal chart insights: signs, houses, zodiac traits
- 300K API Request / month
Experience Our Developer Friendly Horoscope Widget: No Coding Required
Easily embed our API to deliver accurate and intriguing insights, ensuring audience engagement and retention.
Easy-to-use WordPress plugin in just 3 simple steps
Our WordPress plugin seamlessly enhances your website with convenient functionality and features.
Search for the Plugin
Navigate to the "Plugins" section in your WordPress dashboard. Click on "Add New" and search for "Horoscope and Tarot" in the plugin directory.
Install the Plugin
Locate the "Horoscope and Tarot" plugin in the search results. Click on "Install Now" to proceed.
Activate the Plugin
Once the installation is complete, click "Activate" to start using the plugin on your website.
Experience Divine API
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